David Sampson’s REFLECTIONS ON A DANCE, commissioned by Raymond Mase and Melvyn Jernigan, was written in the spring of 1988 for the Summit Brass and was premiered by them on June 11, 1988 in Keystone, Colorado. The composer states:
The (“Dance”) in the title could be replaced by the words “My Life” – and specifically “My life as a trumpet player.” When Ray Mase and I began discussions on the creation of the work, brass passages from the great orchestral and chamber music literature flashed before my ears. Although nothing is specifically quoted, the final effect of REFLECTIONS ON A DANCE is a kaleidoscope of musical impressions that could only sound well on brass. The resulting piece is a tribute to brass players and the music they have inspired.
REFLECTIONS ON A DANCE is written in a highly personal style charged with dynamism and élan. It has moments of introspection and mystery succeeded by passages of drama and excitement. There is meditation and there is a vibrancy and the score runs the gamut of emotional expression, driving finally to a stunning virtuosic climax. (David Hickman)